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K2 Güncel Sanat Merkezi


A project by Philippine Hoegen and Sylvia Kouvali, at K2 in Izmir.

Artists:Anneke A. de Boer
Berin Demiral
Lon Robbé
Martina Wolf
Nejat Sati
Nur Muşkara
Neriman Polat
Philippine Hoegen
Yasemin Özcan Kaya

Looking, the gaze of the artist as well as the spectators, his or her relation to each work and the dynamics between them, will shape this project.
The chosen works use different approaches to the subject matter, but in each the gaze is lingering, watching things unremarkable and uneventful, so that it is the act of looking itself which draws attention.
How to interpret what we are looking at is problematized in the works by Nejat Sati and Lon Robbé. Through small technological interventions we are made to doubt what it is we are seeing. In Berin Demirals low-tech videos we witness the way she sees and handles her everyday world whereas both Anneke A. de Boer and Yasemin Özcan Kaya let us look at the subjects gaze. Through the simple act of framing, Nur Muşkara loads the view in her picture with meaning. In Neriman Polats and Philippine Hoegens work, film approaches photography and visa versa, time is introduced in the still and the motional is slowed down.

Every Friday the exhibition will change, so that different relations between the works can be explored. Artists participating in the exhibition will talk about their work and there will be film screenings related to the subject.

Saturday September 2: Opening
Saturday September 9: Artists talk, Neriman Polat and Yasemin Özcan Kaya
Saturday September 16: Screening
Friday September 22: Artists talk, Anneke A. de Boer
Saturday September 23: Screening
Friday September 29: Screening
Saturday September 30: Closing party

posted by K2 @ 12:22 PM,


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